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FPHA Board release statement on Housing Ombudsman self-assessment

Our Board have released a statement commenting on our compliance with the Housing Ombudsman Complaint Handling Code 2024. 

We published our results on Wednesday 26 June 2024. 

You can view our performance information here

Statement from our Board

First Priority Housing Association are a values led organisation, committed to providing a good standard of service to our tenants. Our tenants have some of the most complex needs, as we specialise in providing homes to people with learning disabilities and long-term, ongoing mental health needs.

We want to ensure that all tenants’ voices are heard, with complaints handling and learning from complaints being a key component of that.

The Annual Complaints and Service Improvement Report shows that, whilst we are compliant with the Complaints Handling Code, there are still areas for us to improve upon.

We received one complaint in 2023-24. We understand the barriers that tenants may face in communicating complaints, so want to work moving forward on creating more avenues for them to let us know about any issues or dissatisfaction. This has been a key learning of the last 12 months.

As a Board, we want to see more feedback from tenants and will be receiving updates on both complaints and other feedback at every Board meeting as part of our operations reporting. This will help us to monitor performance effectively.  

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Iain Sim, Board Chair